Monday, May 17, 2010

Race report - 45km: Sunday 16 May 2010

5:00am - Alarm goes off, and by 5.15am I'm up and getting myself some porridge, packing my fuel belt and making sure I've got everything...hat, watch, number, gatorade, lollies, fuel belt, jumper, gloves etc.  Say a quick goodbye to Kerri & Jesse, and Chris who were the only one's awake at that our of the morning :) 

6.00am - Leave Skeens Creek - Josh takes me in the car instead of getting on the bus and Sherryn comes too.

7.00am - Arrive Lorne, go to toilet, stretch, drink water, walk around nervously and eventually make our way to the start line.  There was people everywhere all different shapes and sizes, some obviously a lot more experienced than me.  There was no official start line like in other event's, just a large gathering outside the Lorne Hotel so we went up there, the officials were saying that the start was six minutes away so I hurried along and all of a sudden the nerves hit!  Spotted two CoolRunner's in the crowd and went and introduced myself, it was good to see them and stand with them at the start.  Finally I took off my jumper, handed that and my gatorade to Josh and gave him a big hug goodbye, and Sherryn too.  I could tell they were nervous for me hehe, and I just said don't worry I'll see you at the finish.

8.00am - We're off!  I ran with Ayesha (CR Turtle-Runner) for about the first 10k I think, going nice and comfortably at about 6min k's. I was still pretty congested and coughing along as I went and I thought this is going to be a tough morning.  
I walked through every drink stop and having a couple of cups of water or gatorade at each one.  The volunteer's were lovely and had jelly beans there too which was nice.  I started having little nibbles of jelly babies from about 10k onwards.
There were 3 major hills in this race and I knew where they were before I even started - 10km, 23km & 34km. The first one was ok and I ran up that one, was buggered at the top but LOVED the downhill!  I think around that time I got a good kick from the jelly babies and flew down the hill feeling great.
Taking shade along the way as much as I could, I had to keep reminding myself to slow down, take it easy and just relax.  I chatted and joked around with a range of people along the way, it was such a friendly group.  Between the three big hills it was just constant undulations, and can't remember many flat bits at all until the last 3km or so!

Hill no. 2 at 23k was when I started to walk, I couldn't see a person in sight that was running so I gave in and thought that I may as well too.  It was so much easier to take big strides and walk up the hill instead of really wasting energy running up it when my legs were just really heavy and weren't going much quicker anyway.  The 23k mark hill was split up into two bits.  You get to the first part of it and have a big climb then it goes down (I was expecting this) so many people think that's it, but no you're only half way up the damn hill hehe!! I ran the downhill then again just really strided it out to the top of the second point.  At this stage we'd passed where the half marathoner's started and I knew we were over half way! That was a great feeling.  There was also a drink station at this point and I was actually the last person that actually got any water, they ran out after that and I felt terrible for the many people behind me who would have missed out on water!
Ok along I went, slowing considerably but still running.  I knew that the worst hill was over with and felt great!  I was chatting to some guys saying how we're over half way and we had a few laughs along the way.
Then as I was running along with another lady for about 5k or so, a gentleman joined us and started to talk to us.  He was amazing, he was 62 years old from Taiwan and told us he was running his 207th marathon!  Absolutely amazing!! I told him it was my first and he just seemed so happy for me and gave me some words of wisdom ("You're doing great, just keep breathing deeply, pace yourself and have fun!", of which I replied "I'll have fun when I finish!!") we ran along then til about the 33k mark with him chatting away and I was really in awe of him.  He said he was in Aus for 4 months and this was his first of 14 marathon's he'd planned in that time so nearly 1 every weekend!! WOW!!  He said that he was so pleased to see me starting to run when I'm so young, and was praising my efforts for choosing this as my first marathon.
Last big hill 34km mark, again I walked up this one.  Ran down the downhills and from then on I walked up most of the uphills from there on in.
I didn't "Hit the wall" at all, I just felt heavy legs especially the quads and my feet were burning by this stage.  When I got to 35k I was over the moon to think that only 10k to go!  Then it was a pretty slow effort to the finish then, the garmin watch had ran out of battery and I was in unknown territory having never run this far in training before.  I thought about why I was running, all the training run's I had, my family waiting at the end and then I thought oh no they are going to be worrying so much that I'm not there yet!  It was even more worrying when I saw an ambulance go past me, I think straight away that mum and dad would straight away worry that it was me that it was going to pick up!
I figured at this point that I would walk up the up hills and run the flats and down hills to the end so that I still finish feeling good - instead of to keep running and not make it past 40k or something.
It went pretty quick from here on cos I could see Apollo Bay in the distance which was just great!  Ran over the 42.2k timing mat which is the official marathon distance in 4hrs47min.  I think walked/jogged the last 2.8k til the end.  With about 1km to go I could see Josh standing on the side of the road and that was an AMAZING feeling!! I was so happy to see him there, even though at that stage I was walking I just wanted him to know I was ok and I was nearly there.  I smiled and yelled out and waved to say I'm ok, just taking a little break to catch my breath for the run to the finish (cos there was no way I was going to walk over the finish line!)

1.00pm - He ran along with me for the last 500m or so until the people started lining the streets.  I said thank you and I'll see him at the end.  I heard Dad yelling from about 200m to go, and spotted all these white t-shirts which I knew was all of my family cheering me on!  I was so happy and couldn't believe that this was it, I was there and I'd just been running for 5hours!! WOW.  They were all cheering, I had the whole crowd of about 300people or so cheering me on and clapping at the finish, when I got to my family I gave them all a hi-five then my two nephews Cody (7) and Ryan (5) held my hands and we ran over the finish line together!! It was wonderful.  Ryan just took off and nearly pulled me over the line, I had to tell him to not go too fast, 1. I couldn't move much faster, and 2. I wanted to soak it up as much as I could.

1.11pm - I put my hands up and ran over the finish WOO HOO I had done it and I am now an ultra-marathoner!  
The lady at the end took my timing chip off, I gave Cody and Ryan the biggest hugs and they were so happy, then I turned around and had my entire family cheering behind me.  I had big hugs for all of them, I didn't want to let them go it was the best feeling!  Tears, happiness, relief and a massive sense of achievement to have just finished that.

42.2k in 4hr47min
45km in 5hr11min

TO Josh, Mum, Dad, Kerri, Andrew, Cody, Ryan, Jesse, Sherryn, Chris, Ken, Shirl, Dale & Joy THANK YOU! for cheering me over the line (and waiting for ages for me to come along), it was so great to have all of your support and THE BEST feeling being able to run over that line knowing you were all there waiting for a big fat sweaty hug from me hehe.  And CR Bennie, it was great to have you at the finish taking photos and waiting around for me to finish family really enjoyed meeting you and thanks again!  I look forward to seeing you finish your first marathon too :)

I'll gradually get photo's up during the week.  For those who're still reading this thank you, and if you're ever thinking about getting into running DO IT! It's an amazing feeling and to achieve something I've been aiming towards for several months is just FANTASTIC.  Just keep going, believe in yourself and have fun!!

Saturday 15 May - Sherryn's 6.5k race :)

After arriving in Apollo Bay late Friday night we eventually went to bed in order to be up nice and early for Sherryn's race which started at 10am.  Sherryn & Chris, and Josh & I drove into town from Skeens Creek where we were staying, picked up the timing chip for her, then mingled around the starting line for about half hour until the race started.
Now a little bit about Sherryn...she started running around the start of this year by doing the Couch to 5k program which over nine weeks helps you to build up to 5k of running non stop.  I remember when she was at about week 5 and she had her first 20min run with no stopping, she was nervous and really didn't know how she'd do it!  But yes she did, and eventually after nine weeks was finished the program and running for half an hour non stop.  At Easter time we were all sitting around the campfire out at the farm and she said that she didn't know what to aim for now that the program was finished.  She wanted some suggestions for a 5k race or similar to work towards, she had her iphone organised with music she actually selected instead of the random ones on the program and she wanted some extra motivation in a race to aim for.
I suggested she do the 6.5k race in Apollo Bay the day before my 45k.  She was going to be there anyway for the weekend, had about 6 weeks to train for it, and she said yes straight away!  I think the next week she'd signed up and registered for the event.
So Saturday came, and I was so happy to be watching her line up for her first race.  I remember my first race, wondering what the hell I was doing and looking at all the people around me thinking how much faster they were going to be and comparing myself to others.
The starters gun went and she was off, along with about 700 others (I think, maybe more) and with a smile on her face as she went past we cheered her on as loud as we could.
45minutes later I saw her running down the road toward the finish line, it was the best feeling and I started to scream and jump around, waving my hands and cheering "Go Sherryn, WOO HOO!!".  Chris and Josh were at the finish line taking photos, she'd done it and I was soooo proud! Her first ever race, and she chose one of the most difficult by the way with a massive hill 200m elevation gain over 1.5k amazing effort I think.  She raced along side some of the best in the state, especially Steve Monaghetti who we'd joked that if it was raining we were going to ask him to carry an umbrella over her head along the way! hehe.
Afterwards we stood around chatting, very happy to have finished the run, then we actually went and chatted to Mona and we were happy to hear that the third place getter even walked up some of the hill!!! It was massive!

I'm sure photo's will be coming, but I just wanted to say a MASSIVE congratulations to Sherryn for her great run on Saturday!  She's come a long way in only a few short months from running 2minutes at a time to being about to run a race in 45min, such a great job.  I'm glad you're enjoying the running as much as me, and I hope you are very proud of your efforts! xxx

After the run, we were back to the house and watched a bit of the "Spirit of the Marathon" but I fell asleep and was feeling horrible with my head cold being all blocked up and headachy I was seriously wondering how I was going to get up the next day to run 45km.  We then went in for a late lunch, came back to the house and met Kerri, Andrew and the three boys Cody, Ryan & Jesse then had dinner, relaxed and finally I went to bed around 10.30pm I think.  We all stayed at Dale & Joy's house, which was great!!! Thank you!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm an ultra-marathoner!! WOO HOO!!

Just home from Apollo Bay and I'm very happy to report that I finished the 45km Lorne to Apollo Bay ultra-marathon WOO HOO!!

There will be more to come tomorrow when I have had a good sleep and relax, but right now I'm just excited to say that my 42km marathon time was 4hr47min and finished the 45km in a bit over 5hours.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Friday 14 May - Travel to Apollo Bay

Ok so after work Friday I'm going straight to Apollo Bay, so......that means the next time I write will HOPEFULLY be a very happy chappy with a race report to come!


Thursday 13 May - 3 days to go!!

 WOOOO HOOOOOO I'm feeling a lot better than the last two days - still not 100% but no headache, not so much of a runny nose and now it's a cough instead...I'm going back to work today, not running or riding in though.  I'll take it easy today and IF I get a whole lot better I'll do a short run into work tomorrow and then ride home before we head to Apollo Bay tomorrow!! WOW it's come around so quickly.

Yesterday I was feeling horrible, all choked up with this cold and not confident at all then a number of things happened...
I received a delivery in the mail - 10 white polo tops with "Rell's Run 4 Ryan" on the front and back for my family who'll be standing at the finish line waiting for me on Sunday, that got me a bit excited.  Then I went for a drive to another coolrunner's house who lent me a copy of the DVD "Spirit of the Marathon" so I sat there and watched that for the afternoon.  Once more I felt motivated and ready to tackle the 45km!!  THEN I went into the physio last night for my last session of dry needling.  They were not bouncing around as much as usual which is a good sign, although felt a little sore afterwards so I know they are doing something.

With all that and waking up this morning feeling a lot better, I'm feeling good mentally that another couple of days rest to get over this cold fully and I'll be there on Sunday taking it all in and enjoying as much as I can.

Thanks Eagle for your comments :)

GOR Marathon 2010

GOR Marathon 2010