Sunday 14 February
26k long run26km - 2:41:16 - avg 6.13min/km - hr 164bpm - 1833calsHome for the weekend so I decided to run from Dunkeld to Penshurst - ended up with 26k as Dad dropped me off a couple of k's along the way so I didn't end up doing more than planned. It was so cool, two kangaroos and some sheep out along the way which was just great in the country! Misty rain, no blisters, no serious niggles at all, and Dad dropping some water off for me along the way. He even left a banana for me near the end of the trip but a fox or possum or something came along and ate it hehe. Then even better, I'd organised for Kerri to come and pick me up in Penshurst on her way to Dunkeld. So Kerri, Cody and Ryan were all waiting for me with a Gatorade, banana and lollies which was very cool!

Here is the photo Dad took along the way - I think I was waving to him...about the 15k mark I think.
Saturday 13 February
RESTFriday 12 February
Weights & Spin (AM)Quite sore this morning after the last few days, but still a good session in the gym. Spin class was a lot of faster stuff and one big hill climb - worked hard.
Thursday 11 February
Run 10k easy (AM)
Bikrim (PM)Took 65min to do 10.5k this morning so avg 6.15min/km. I knew it would be slow after last night's speed session but that's a real recovery run, considering I had done 21k between leaving work last night and arriving this morning! Little knee pain when I finished but iced and stretched, as well as bikrim yoga tonight will do it the world of good (I hope).
Yes Bikrim was really warm and humid but I was surprised that it didn't effect me too much. It was 70% humidity apparently. Anyway I wore my HRM for the first time and burnt nearly 400cals. Interesting, thought it may have been more than that for 90 minutes but I'm not doing it for the cals at all, just wanted to see if their advertising was right. Great stretch, balance not as good tonight but focus was there.
Wednesday 10 February
20min ergo (AM)
Speed training at Tan 10.5k (PM)Had a great sleep in this morning (til 6.20am!) and hopped on the ergo for 20min before stretching, watering the vegie garden and having breaky. A great morning actually! I was suprised when I hopped off the ergo to go and write my distance down and it was EXACTLY the same distance as last week - 3769m. EXACTLY!! See if I can do that next week without trying hehe...
Tonight's speed session was 6-8 x 500m with 35-40sec jog recovery. Those that run under 50min for 10k were to do 8 (bugger...) and those over 50min for 10k did 6k.
Warm up 2.3k easy
5 x 80m strides with jog recovery
8 x 500m efforts at approx 80-90% effort (w 40sec jog recovery)
1. 2.16.53
2. 2.19.65
3. 2.26.75
4. 2.28.15
5. 2.28.49
6. 2.34.90
7. 2.24.52
8. 2.24.58
Cool down 2k easy
Really helped running along with Stella, we kept pushing each other to keep in control, good form and strong! After the hot day it had cooled down a fair bit, even tried to rain a little which made it quite humid but not bad at all, probably better than if I went out this morning actually - happy with the session considering I haven't done a GOOD speed session like this in a few weeks.
Tuesday 9 February
Weights & Spin class (AM)
Spin class & stretch (PM)Both classes full today, and felt good with the weights. I'm a bit heavy at the moment and am feeling it so consistency is the key. I have such a great group of people doing these classes, one even asked me for help with a running program this morning...I love being able to help others out and especially if it about health and fitness :)
Slept really well after Bikrim last night!
Monday 8 February
Relaxed 5k run (AM)
Bikrim (PM)Easy run this morning, getting over the weekend of not feeling well. Am surprised at how easy it felt actually! Happy with that easy run and knees/legs felt pretty good. No garmin, no ipod, just a pleasant quiet run.
I realised on the weekend that it is less than 100 days to go!! OMG that is really not that long at all. My goal is to finish and I know I will, it's just about how quickly (or slowly)...that is the question hehe. Time to get serious about my diet, it's been all over the place lately. I know I'm low in iron so I need to remember to get the red meat in and to keep up the vegie intake. If I want this to be easier then I need to look after my body and fuel my body with good nutrition. No excuses now, I know I'll feel better when I eat well. I love cooking and experimenting with new fresh recipes it's about being organised and on top of things with a variety of food. Keep thinking of my beautiful nephew Ryan being there at the end of the run waiting for me!