Thursday 1 April
Core & Run to work 5k(AM)
Pushups W4D1 (18,22,16,16,30)
Situps W4D1 (32,38,32,32,55)
Squats W2D3 (22,22,19,19,52)
And...I'm just heading off to run into work! Will do 5k today cos I'll run out to the farm tomorrow (10k) for our big family easter weekend.
Wednesday 31 March
Speed - Run 8.5k(AM)
Bike from work 4.3k (PM)
Ran into work this morning and added on an extra few k's to make up 8.5k. I had some strange feelings today, was really hard up the hills so legs felt really heavy. Then when I was running along and would turn my neck left and right I would feel some tingles in my glutes and lower back - quite strange really! I'm going to be getting a massage tonight, I love my fiance! So hopefully that will loosen things up again.
Tonight ride home from work and Stretch stretch stretch!
Tuesday 30 March
Bike to work & stretch(AM)
Run from work 4.5k(PM)
Had a great stretch before work this morning, then rode into work. It is SOOOO dark these days and I really don't like going out in pitch black and returning in pitch block! So today I ran home from work instead. I enjoy it actually, quite slow but that is to be expected for being so tight and also going at the end of the day. I'm feeling very low in energy at the moment and my times are really slow compared to normal! It is so frustrating.
So tomorrow morning I'll run to work (including speed work) and ride home :) Love working so close to home :)
Monday 29 March
Pushups W3D3 (16,21,15,15,22)
Squats W2D2 (19,22,16,16,44)
Situps W3D3 (33,42,30,30,55)
Very heavy rain in Melbourne meant that it was a tad dangerous to ride to work. Pity really, because the afternoon warmed up and would have been ok.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
8 weeks to go...
Friday 26 March
Cross training and Core
Situps W3D2 (30,38,23,23,52)
Squats W2D1 (19,19,13,13,32)
Pushups W3D2 (14,19,14,14,25)
Bike to work 4.3k
Bike from work 4.3k
I slept past the 5am alarm this morning so thought I'd stay inside and do my core work and use today as a cross training day instead of the medium-long run which was planned. Instead I'll go for 20k tomorrow and then a light recovery run Sunday to get the k's in. Feeling a bit lethargic so think today will do me good to not have to go out for a run.
By the way - I'm loving how relaxed (and confident) I am about this program this year. I'm not worrying if I miss a day because I will always replace it with something else and I am actually really listening to my body instead of just forcing it to do the k's on the plan. I'm feeling confident, I know I'll finish the run in less than 8 weeks time so I'm just doing everything I can to get there comfortably instead of putting too much pressure on the body - feels good.
Thursday 25 March
8k run (speed)
bike to work 4.3k
bike from work 4.3k
Data still to be updated from this morning, but I added some surges into today's run of about 3min on 1min off. Felt good to get the speed into it again instead of just steady pace. I might add some of them in more often.
Wednesday 24 March
Cross training and Core
AM -
Ergo 5min
Squats W1D3 (15,20,13,13,30)
Ergo 5min
Pushups test - 23
Pushups W3D1 (12,17,13,13,20)
Ergo 5min
Situps test - 41
Situps W3D1 (21,27,21,21,40)
Bike to work 4.3k
PM -
Bike from work 4.3k
So a good session to start the day, all at home. I am about to head off to ride to work now :) Great cross training day!
Tuesday 23 March
8.5k run - recovery
Although quite stiff from the long run, I wanted to back it up today with a steady run to get used to running on tired legs. Felt a bit sore for the first 1km but after that I just took it really easy with short strides and felt comfortable at the end, could have kept going but STICK TO THE PROGRAM RELL!!!
Non-running: I started my new job today and had a great day :)
Monday 22 March 2010
32k long run (AM)
Situps (24,25,21,21,47)
Squats (13,16,13,13,25)
Pushups (16,17,14,14,20)
See below post for details of my long run. I managed to get a lot of stretching in the afternoon and also did the core work as above - quite happy with my day! Recover - wore my compression pants for most of the day, put some ice on the knees and lower legs, then got a massage for the calf's in the evening (I'm spoilt I know)
Cross training and Core
Situps W3D2 (30,38,23,23,52)
Squats W2D1 (19,19,13,13,32)
Pushups W3D2 (14,19,14,14,25)
Bike to work 4.3k
Bike from work 4.3k
I slept past the 5am alarm this morning so thought I'd stay inside and do my core work and use today as a cross training day instead of the medium-long run which was planned. Instead I'll go for 20k tomorrow and then a light recovery run Sunday to get the k's in. Feeling a bit lethargic so think today will do me good to not have to go out for a run.
By the way - I'm loving how relaxed (and confident) I am about this program this year. I'm not worrying if I miss a day because I will always replace it with something else and I am actually really listening to my body instead of just forcing it to do the k's on the plan. I'm feeling confident, I know I'll finish the run in less than 8 weeks time so I'm just doing everything I can to get there comfortably instead of putting too much pressure on the body - feels good.
Thursday 25 March
8k run (speed)
bike to work 4.3k
bike from work 4.3k
Data still to be updated from this morning, but I added some surges into today's run of about 3min on 1min off. Felt good to get the speed into it again instead of just steady pace. I might add some of them in more often.
Wednesday 24 March
Cross training and Core
AM -
Ergo 5min
Squats W1D3 (15,20,13,13,30)
Ergo 5min
Pushups test - 23
Pushups W3D1 (12,17,13,13,20)
Ergo 5min
Situps test - 41
Situps W3D1 (21,27,21,21,40)
Bike to work 4.3k
PM -
Bike from work 4.3k
So a good session to start the day, all at home. I am about to head off to ride to work now :) Great cross training day!
Tuesday 23 March
8.5k run - recovery
Although quite stiff from the long run, I wanted to back it up today with a steady run to get used to running on tired legs. Felt a bit sore for the first 1km but after that I just took it really easy with short strides and felt comfortable at the end, could have kept going but STICK TO THE PROGRAM RELL!!!
Non-running: I started my new job today and had a great day :)
Monday 22 March 2010
32k long run (AM)
Situps (24,25,21,21,47)
Squats (13,16,13,13,25)
Pushups (16,17,14,14,20)
See below post for details of my long run. I managed to get a lot of stretching in the afternoon and also did the core work as above - quite happy with my day! Recover - wore my compression pants for most of the day, put some ice on the knees and lower legs, then got a massage for the calf's in the evening (I'm spoilt I know)
32k and very encouraging :)
32k long run
I moved my long run from Sunday to Monday this week. This morning I went into work with Josh where he dropped me off along the yarra to go for my run - I wanted different scenery to just the streets around Oakleigh. Anyway, I ran into the city which was 7.5k (including a toilet stop - NOTE I had 1 piece of bread and peanut butter half hour before, won't do that next time). This morning was PERFECT weather for a long run. A bit chilli with a bit of sun shining and not too much wind, just great!
Stopped a couple of times along the way, wore my fuel belt this time so had water and about 250ml of sports drink that I mixed up before I left home (Shotz).
At the 28k mark I called into a little shop and got some jelly beans. I shoved about 5 in my mouth then and was amazed at how my energy really did pick up! Overall for the last 4k or so I would have had up to ten probably. Felt good the whole way, no niggles in the muscles at all! So pleased. My knees just a little jarring and feet sore but I spose you can expect that after 32k...
32km - 3.24.08 - avg pace 6.22min/km - avg HR 155 - cals 2264
Garmin Connect -
data for 22nd March
I moved my long run from Sunday to Monday this week. This morning I went into work with Josh where he dropped me off along the yarra to go for my run - I wanted different scenery to just the streets around Oakleigh. Anyway, I ran into the city which was 7.5k (including a toilet stop - NOTE I had 1 piece of bread and peanut butter half hour before, won't do that next time). This morning was PERFECT weather for a long run. A bit chilli with a bit of sun shining and not too much wind, just great!
Stopped a couple of times along the way, wore my fuel belt this time so had water and about 250ml of sports drink that I mixed up before I left home (Shotz).
At the 28k mark I called into a little shop and got some jelly beans. I shoved about 5 in my mouth then and was amazed at how my energy really did pick up! Overall for the last 4k or so I would have had up to ten probably. Felt good the whole way, no niggles in the muscles at all! So pleased. My knees just a little jarring and feet sore but I spose you can expect that after 32k...
32km - 3.24.08 - avg pace 6.22min/km - avg HR 155 - cals 2264
Garmin Connect -
data for 22nd March
Monday, March 15, 2010
9 weeks to go...
Saturday 19 March
Ergo 30min
100 pushups challenge (14,16,12,12,22)
200 situps challenge (21,24,18,18,45)
200 Squats challenge (13,16,9,9,25)
As I had yesterday off instead of today I got up and did cross training instead of a run, wanting to rest up for tomorrow's 30-32k long run! Can't wait!
I'm having a quiet relaxing day at home getting lots of jobs done.
Thursday 18 March
Run (8k) speed work (AM)
100 push ups challenge ( (PM)
200 sit ups challenge (21,21,15,15,36) (PM)
After a big dinner last night I felt pretty heavy in the legs when I woke this morning, but as soon as I got out the door I felt great! An easy 1.5k to local track to warm up then:
8 x 500m efforts (90 second recovery)
then a cool down of 1.5k home.
I was disappointed that my garmin lost battery in the first interval, my fault for not remembering to charge it, but I really felt strong this morning so would have loved the data! Bugger.
Busy couple of days planned finishing up at work so I've been so tired at nights. Will see how I feel this afternoon re: bikram. Will definitely do the pushups and situps and report back later on numbers.
Wednesday 17 March
Ergo 20min (AM)
Woke up drained this morning and thought I'd have a Cross Training day instead, so I did just a short workout on the ergo. Was going to do speed work tonight but will change to the morning tomorrow now. Love having options now. It's very warm today and I'm just exhausted, lots happening with finishing up current job and spin classes yesterday etc so wanted to take today lighter. Back into it tomorrow though.
Tuesday 16 March
Spin (AM)
100 Push ups challenge (11,15,9,9,16)
200 Sit ups challenge (17,22,14,14,30)
Spin (PM)
My last class this morning teaching spin, and what a lovely group! I'll miss them all very much...before this I did push ups and sit ups. My quads finally feel back to normal again after Sunday's run, cross training is great and I have to remember to keep that up when I start my new job. I know I will cos I'll be riding to work :)
Monday 15 March
8k run (AM)
Bikram yoga (PM)
This morning I didn't wear HR Monitor and just took it as I felt instead of looking at HR. Felt tight in the quads but other than that, really good. Bikram tonight will hopefully make the recovery after yesterday's run a lot easier.
Ergo 30min
100 pushups challenge (14,16,12,12,22)
200 situps challenge (21,24,18,18,45)
200 Squats challenge (13,16,9,9,25)
As I had yesterday off instead of today I got up and did cross training instead of a run, wanting to rest up for tomorrow's 30-32k long run! Can't wait!
I'm having a quiet relaxing day at home getting lots of jobs done.
Thursday 18 March
Run (8k) speed work (AM)
100 push ups challenge ( (PM)
200 sit ups challenge (21,21,15,15,36) (PM)
After a big dinner last night I felt pretty heavy in the legs when I woke this morning, but as soon as I got out the door I felt great! An easy 1.5k to local track to warm up then:
8 x 500m efforts (90 second recovery)
then a cool down of 1.5k home.
I was disappointed that my garmin lost battery in the first interval, my fault for not remembering to charge it, but I really felt strong this morning so would have loved the data! Bugger.
Busy couple of days planned finishing up at work so I've been so tired at nights. Will see how I feel this afternoon re: bikram. Will definitely do the pushups and situps and report back later on numbers.
Wednesday 17 March
Ergo 20min (AM)
Woke up drained this morning and thought I'd have a Cross Training day instead, so I did just a short workout on the ergo. Was going to do speed work tonight but will change to the morning tomorrow now. Love having options now. It's very warm today and I'm just exhausted, lots happening with finishing up current job and spin classes yesterday etc so wanted to take today lighter. Back into it tomorrow though.
Tuesday 16 March
Spin (AM)
100 Push ups challenge (11,15,9,9,16)
200 Sit ups challenge (17,22,14,14,30)
Spin (PM)
My last class this morning teaching spin, and what a lovely group! I'll miss them all very much...before this I did push ups and sit ups. My quads finally feel back to normal again after Sunday's run, cross training is great and I have to remember to keep that up when I start my new job. I know I will cos I'll be riding to work :)
Monday 15 March
8k run (AM)
Bikram yoga (PM)
This morning I didn't wear HR Monitor and just took it as I felt instead of looking at HR. Felt tight in the quads but other than that, really good. Bikram tonight will hopefully make the recovery after yesterday's run a lot easier.
28k long (hilly) run - 14 March 2010
16k mark of Grampians run
22k mark of Grampians run
23k mark of Grampians Run
Woke at 7am (after not going to be til after midnight)and had a small bowl of porridge, just plain - not milk etc - with a bit of raw sugar on top, then about a third bottle of gatorade and plenty of water. Left the house at 7.45am.
Started off with the ipod on my arm but after 4-5k got sick of it and put it in my fuel belt. Then after about 10k that started to rub and get annoying so I couldn't wait to see mum to be able to give it to her - she was coming at about 12k.
Fuel -
5k water
8k water
12k gatorade & 2 jelly babies (Starburst!)
12-16k 3 jelly babies
16k water
22k water & gatorade
25k water
23-26k 4 jelly babies
28k FINISH - lots of water (at least 1.5litres)
ALthough it was a coolish morning, running in it wasn't so cool. The sun was shining and I guess it would have been about 20 degrees by the time I finished. Will get the data from the garmin later re: elevation etc. because I want to see the difference in the hills through the grampians and the ones I'll be running at Great Ocean Road.
Here is a video mum took along the way - gives an idea of the scenery anyway :) This section is at our farm before heading into the mountains - at the 13k mark here so nice and early in the run.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
WOW...only 10 weeks to go!!
Sunday 14 March
28k Long Run
What a great area I grew up in! I went for my run this morning from home in Dunkeld around the farm and then back through Victoria Valley. All up 28k and it was beautiful! Mum came along with me this time driving the car and keeping my fluids and energy levels up, I love my family so much!!! To be able to take about 2-3 hours out of their day just to make sure I am comfortable in my run is so cool.
I'll add some photos and try put some videos up in a seperate post, and record my fluid/energy intake as well for future reference.
Saturday 13 March
100 Pushups challenge - w1 d2 (10,12,8,8,15)
200 Situps challenge - w1 d2 (15,18,15,15,32)
Rest day today, am at home with the family and about to spend the afternoon at a big family get together, really looking forward to it. Just did this mornings push ups and sit ups, then stretch as much as I can today for a long run tomorrow - 28k.
Friday 12 March
10k run
Same run as Wednesday morning, relatively easy effort level and 5:50min/km this time so 5sec per k quicker than last week. Did a fair bit of stretching afterwards. Feel the shoulders, back and abs from the pushups/situps so thats good. Am looking forward to going home again this weekend. Not sure if I'll do my long run Sat morning or Sun morning...will see how I feel tomorrow.
Thursday 11 March
Ergo 30min
100 Pushups Challenge - w1 d1 (10,12,7,7,11)
200 Situps Challenge - w1 d1 (15,18,10,10,22)
Cross training day today so I did the ergo - I forgot to get the distance so will add that later - and then I've started the 100 Pushup Challenge. Its a 6 week program to get you building up to be able to do 100 pushups in a row! I have done it before but only managed to get to week 4, which was about 80. I really want to finish it but if it gets too tough and jepordises my running in any way (last time I got really sore in the shoulders) then I'll take it back a bit, but I think that will really help my core. I'm also going to do the 200sit up challenge, so on my cross training days I'll do pushups in the morning and situps in the evening on top of my other stuff, we'll just see how it goes. Something a bit different. Results above.
Wednesday 10 March
10k run easy
Bikram yoga
10k run - avg 5:55 min/km
Overall felt very easy, just cruising along and was one of those mornings where it all just felt great! I could have gone longer but I was already later than usual and didn't want to be too rushed to get to work.
Tonight I want to do bikram as I missed it on Monday night, I miss the stretch.
Ok yes, went to bikram and gee I sweated it out tonight hehe. Had a different instructor, the class seemed to go VERY quickly!
Tuesday 9 March
Spin x 2 & weights
Feeling heavy after the long weekend and birthday celebrations with the family (yes I turned 26 on Sunday!) but spin was really good to get the legs moving again without the impact of running. I don't have many more classes left at the two gyms I'm teaching at because of my new job so I am going to do some pretty tough classes to finish off, hehe they'll love it! (MAYBE...)
Monday 8 March
8k run
I went out with the intention of going 28k today as I didn't get to do it over the weekend, but that didn't end up happening...had a few issues with my right hip so turned around early and went home. Decided that I'd just start again fresh for the week. Now I know the long runs are the most important but when I had the pain in the hip I had to go back instead of pushing through for another 20 or so k's! A bit worried that I haven't done many LONG runs lately but all will be fine.
28k Long Run
What a great area I grew up in! I went for my run this morning from home in Dunkeld around the farm and then back through Victoria Valley. All up 28k and it was beautiful! Mum came along with me this time driving the car and keeping my fluids and energy levels up, I love my family so much!!! To be able to take about 2-3 hours out of their day just to make sure I am comfortable in my run is so cool.
I'll add some photos and try put some videos up in a seperate post, and record my fluid/energy intake as well for future reference.
Saturday 13 March
100 Pushups challenge - w1 d2 (10,12,8,8,15)
200 Situps challenge - w1 d2 (15,18,15,15,32)
Rest day today, am at home with the family and about to spend the afternoon at a big family get together, really looking forward to it. Just did this mornings push ups and sit ups, then stretch as much as I can today for a long run tomorrow - 28k.
Friday 12 March
10k run
Same run as Wednesday morning, relatively easy effort level and 5:50min/km this time so 5sec per k quicker than last week. Did a fair bit of stretching afterwards. Feel the shoulders, back and abs from the pushups/situps so thats good. Am looking forward to going home again this weekend. Not sure if I'll do my long run Sat morning or Sun morning...will see how I feel tomorrow.
Thursday 11 March
Ergo 30min
100 Pushups Challenge - w1 d1 (10,12,7,7,11)
200 Situps Challenge - w1 d1 (15,18,10,10,22)
Cross training day today so I did the ergo - I forgot to get the distance so will add that later - and then I've started the 100 Pushup Challenge. Its a 6 week program to get you building up to be able to do 100 pushups in a row! I have done it before but only managed to get to week 4, which was about 80. I really want to finish it but if it gets too tough and jepordises my running in any way (last time I got really sore in the shoulders) then I'll take it back a bit, but I think that will really help my core. I'm also going to do the 200sit up challenge, so on my cross training days I'll do pushups in the morning and situps in the evening on top of my other stuff, we'll just see how it goes. Something a bit different. Results above.
Wednesday 10 March
10k run easy
Bikram yoga
10k run - avg 5:55 min/km
Overall felt very easy, just cruising along and was one of those mornings where it all just felt great! I could have gone longer but I was already later than usual and didn't want to be too rushed to get to work.
Tonight I want to do bikram as I missed it on Monday night, I miss the stretch.
Ok yes, went to bikram and gee I sweated it out tonight hehe. Had a different instructor, the class seemed to go VERY quickly!
Tuesday 9 March
Spin x 2 & weights
Feeling heavy after the long weekend and birthday celebrations with the family (yes I turned 26 on Sunday!) but spin was really good to get the legs moving again without the impact of running. I don't have many more classes left at the two gyms I'm teaching at because of my new job so I am going to do some pretty tough classes to finish off, hehe they'll love it! (MAYBE...)
Monday 8 March
8k run
I went out with the intention of going 28k today as I didn't get to do it over the weekend, but that didn't end up happening...had a few issues with my right hip so turned around early and went home. Decided that I'd just start again fresh for the week. Now I know the long runs are the most important but when I had the pain in the hip I had to go back instead of pushing through for another 20 or so k's! A bit worried that I haven't done many LONG runs lately but all will be fine.
Monday, March 1, 2010
11 weeks...
Friday 5 March
Weights & Spin
Mainly core work again today, same as tuesday. Also had a good stretch before the class. I don't really have that much to report on today except that I'm really going to miss the members who do my classes, they are a great bunch! I love that they keep coming back and keep working harder each time they come in. I really hope they keep at it after I leave.
Thursday 4 March
12k run
I ran from home to my new workplace - where I'll be starting in a few weeks - to see how far it would be and whether it will be ok to run to work etc. The good news is that it was only 4.5km, and then I found another track on the way home which was 4.3km and all on a bike track, no major roads and quite a few hills which will be good. I know my family will be happy to see I'm not running along or riding my bike along any major roads (I've had a few too many close calls for their liking). Sooo...really happy that work will be so close!
The actual run was 12k all up with quite a few little hills in there. Overall:
12.21km - 1.12.42 - avg 5.57min/km - avg HR 165bpm - 855cals
Wednesday 3 March
Speed 10k
This morning I did my own speed work at the local track. 500m, 1000m, 1500m, 1000m, 500m with 90 second recovery in between. Felt no pain in the knees at all just tired legs but getting better.
warm up 2k - 12.01min
strides 6 x 80m - 7.36min
500m - 2.23.80 - 4.51min/km (90 sec recovery)
1000m - 5.07.66 - 5.02min/km (90 sec recovery)
1500m - 8.17.70 - 5.23min/km (90 sec recovery)
1000m - 5.06.51 - 5.03min/km (90 sec recovery)
500m - 2.22.78 - (90 sec recovery)
cool down 2.22k
TOTAL 10.54km - 1.04.08 - avg 6.05min/km - avg HR 163bpm - 719cals
Tuesday 2 March
Strength & spin (AM)
Spin (PM)
Worked mostly on core strength this morning using the fitball. I like the body weight work instead of actual free weights or machines because I fill I'm working on balance as well as strength. Two spin classes went really quickly! I also told them I'll be finishing up teaching the classes on Tuesday 16th March as I'll be not be working in the city anymore. It was nice to see that they will miss me, and I am disappointed I have to give them up but I won't be able to come into the city with my new job. In one way I'm going to enjoy being able to focus on the running more though, but just have to consciously keep up the cross training I think.
Monday 1 March 2010
Run 8k easy (AM)
Bikram yoga (AM)
After massage yesterday and a bit of stretching in the afternoon, an easy 8k at avg 6min/km was great because I had no pain at all.
Bikram gave me a great finish to the day, stretching, focus, meditating...fantastic! I feel great after that. For those who don't know what bikram is, have a look at the link below, which is where I do my classes. They are a fantastic group of people and I admire them for practising so much. A group of people finished a 30 day challenge today where they completed 30 classes in 30 days, I just think that is an amazing effort.
Weights & Spin
Mainly core work again today, same as tuesday. Also had a good stretch before the class. I don't really have that much to report on today except that I'm really going to miss the members who do my classes, they are a great bunch! I love that they keep coming back and keep working harder each time they come in. I really hope they keep at it after I leave.
Thursday 4 March
12k run
I ran from home to my new workplace - where I'll be starting in a few weeks - to see how far it would be and whether it will be ok to run to work etc. The good news is that it was only 4.5km, and then I found another track on the way home which was 4.3km and all on a bike track, no major roads and quite a few hills which will be good. I know my family will be happy to see I'm not running along or riding my bike along any major roads (I've had a few too many close calls for their liking). Sooo...really happy that work will be so close!
The actual run was 12k all up with quite a few little hills in there. Overall:
12.21km - 1.12.42 - avg 5.57min/km - avg HR 165bpm - 855cals
Wednesday 3 March
Speed 10k
This morning I did my own speed work at the local track. 500m, 1000m, 1500m, 1000m, 500m with 90 second recovery in between. Felt no pain in the knees at all just tired legs but getting better.
warm up 2k - 12.01min
strides 6 x 80m - 7.36min
500m - 2.23.80 - 4.51min/km (90 sec recovery)
1000m - 5.07.66 - 5.02min/km (90 sec recovery)
1500m - 8.17.70 - 5.23min/km (90 sec recovery)
1000m - 5.06.51 - 5.03min/km (90 sec recovery)
500m - 2.22.78 - (90 sec recovery)
cool down 2.22k
TOTAL 10.54km - 1.04.08 - avg 6.05min/km - avg HR 163bpm - 719cals
Tuesday 2 March
Strength & spin (AM)
Spin (PM)
Worked mostly on core strength this morning using the fitball. I like the body weight work instead of actual free weights or machines because I fill I'm working on balance as well as strength. Two spin classes went really quickly! I also told them I'll be finishing up teaching the classes on Tuesday 16th March as I'll be not be working in the city anymore. It was nice to see that they will miss me, and I am disappointed I have to give them up but I won't be able to come into the city with my new job. In one way I'm going to enjoy being able to focus on the running more though, but just have to consciously keep up the cross training I think.
Monday 1 March 2010
Run 8k easy (AM)
Bikram yoga (AM)
After massage yesterday and a bit of stretching in the afternoon, an easy 8k at avg 6min/km was great because I had no pain at all.
Bikram gave me a great finish to the day, stretching, focus, meditating...fantastic! I feel great after that. For those who don't know what bikram is, have a look at the link below, which is where I do my classes. They are a fantastic group of people and I admire them for practising so much. A group of people finished a 30 day challenge today where they completed 30 classes in 30 days, I just think that is an amazing effort.
Injury prevention...full time job?
Ok so I've finally realised that injury prevention is taking up a lot of my thinking lately, and basically seems like a full time job. My program asked for an 18k long run yesterday but I ended up doing 8k. If I had pushed to do the 18k I imagine I'd be sitting here today in quite a lot of pain and this morning's recovery run would have been a lot more difficult than it was. Instead I did a relaxed 8k to keep the legs moving but without putting too much pressure on the sore knees and tight muscles. Josh had said that he'd give me a massage and really 'get into' the tight spots Sunday night which would hopefully release the muscles and get rid of the referral pain I've been feeling in the knees. And yes that's what he did...although very painful at the time, and after quite a bit of stretching last night, my run this morning was one where I had NO PAIN at all! I'm rapt!
Last week I didn't do any Bikram, and had a busy week with work as well as getting a new job and resigning from my current job so really it was a tough week. This week though will be different, I am heading back to bikram yoga tonight and hope to have a great stretch then and continue to lengthen these muscles and say goodbye to the pain!
This week's plan:
Mon - 8k & bikram
Tue - spin x 2 & weights
Wed - 10k speed
Thu - 12k & bikram
Fri - Spin & weights
Sat - REST
Sun - 28k long run
I'll be putting some decent hills in this week as well, need to get used to that for GOR!
11 weeks to go!! Booking accomodation today for the whole family (11 of us counting kids) so it is getting VERY REAL now.
Will report on the week as it goes :)
Last week I didn't do any Bikram, and had a busy week with work as well as getting a new job and resigning from my current job so really it was a tough week. This week though will be different, I am heading back to bikram yoga tonight and hope to have a great stretch then and continue to lengthen these muscles and say goodbye to the pain!
This week's plan:
Mon - 8k & bikram
Tue - spin x 2 & weights
Wed - 10k speed
Thu - 12k & bikram
Fri - Spin & weights
Sat - REST
Sun - 28k long run
I'll be putting some decent hills in this week as well, need to get used to that for GOR!
11 weeks to go!! Booking accomodation today for the whole family (11 of us counting kids) so it is getting VERY REAL now.
Will report on the week as it goes :)
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GOR Marathon 2010