Thursday 1 April
Core & Run to work 5k(AM)
Pushups W4D1 (18,22,16,16,30)
Situps W4D1 (32,38,32,32,55)
Squats W2D3 (22,22,19,19,52)
And...I'm just heading off to run into work! Will do 5k today cos I'll run out to the farm tomorrow (10k) for our big family easter weekend.
Wednesday 31 March
Speed - Run 8.5k(AM)
Bike from work 4.3k (PM)
Ran into work this morning and added on an extra few k's to make up 8.5k. I had some strange feelings today, was really hard up the hills so legs felt really heavy. Then when I was running along and would turn my neck left and right I would feel some tingles in my glutes and lower back - quite strange really! I'm going to be getting a massage tonight, I love my fiance! So hopefully that will loosen things up again.
Tonight ride home from work and Stretch stretch stretch!
Tuesday 30 March
Bike to work & stretch(AM)
Run from work 4.5k(PM)
Had a great stretch before work this morning, then rode into work. It is SOOOO dark these days and I really don't like going out in pitch black and returning in pitch block! So today I ran home from work instead. I enjoy it actually, quite slow but that is to be expected for being so tight and also going at the end of the day. I'm feeling very low in energy at the moment and my times are really slow compared to normal! It is so frustrating.
So tomorrow morning I'll run to work (including speed work) and ride home :) Love working so close to home :)
Monday 29 March
Pushups W3D3 (16,21,15,15,22)
Squats W2D2 (19,22,16,16,44)
Situps W3D3 (33,42,30,30,55)
Very heavy rain in Melbourne meant that it was a tad dangerous to ride to work. Pity really, because the afternoon warmed up and would have been ok.
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GOR Marathon 2010

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