Sunday 14 March
28k Long Run
What a great area I grew up in! I went for my run this morning from home in Dunkeld around the farm and then back through Victoria Valley. All up 28k and it was beautiful! Mum came along with me this time driving the car and keeping my fluids and energy levels up, I love my family so much!!! To be able to take about 2-3 hours out of their day just to make sure I am comfortable in my run is so cool.
I'll add some photos and try put some videos up in a seperate post, and record my fluid/energy intake as well for future reference.
Saturday 13 March
100 Pushups challenge - w1 d2 (10,12,8,8,15)
200 Situps challenge - w1 d2 (15,18,15,15,32)
Rest day today, am at home with the family and about to spend the afternoon at a big family get together, really looking forward to it. Just did this mornings push ups and sit ups, then stretch as much as I can today for a long run tomorrow - 28k.
Friday 12 March
10k run
Same run as Wednesday morning, relatively easy effort level and 5:50min/km this time so 5sec per k quicker than last week. Did a fair bit of stretching afterwards. Feel the shoulders, back and abs from the pushups/situps so thats good. Am looking forward to going home again this weekend. Not sure if I'll do my long run Sat morning or Sun morning...will see how I feel tomorrow.
Thursday 11 March
Ergo 30min
100 Pushups Challenge - w1 d1 (10,12,7,7,11)
200 Situps Challenge - w1 d1 (15,18,10,10,22)
Cross training day today so I did the ergo - I forgot to get the distance so will add that later - and then I've started the 100 Pushup Challenge. Its a 6 week program to get you building up to be able to do 100 pushups in a row! I have done it before but only managed to get to week 4, which was about 80. I really want to finish it but if it gets too tough and jepordises my running in any way (last time I got really sore in the shoulders) then I'll take it back a bit, but I think that will really help my core. I'm also going to do the 200sit up challenge, so on my cross training days I'll do pushups in the morning and situps in the evening on top of my other stuff, we'll just see how it goes. Something a bit different. Results above.
Wednesday 10 March
10k run easy
Bikram yoga
10k run - avg 5:55 min/km
Overall felt very easy, just cruising along and was one of those mornings where it all just felt great! I could have gone longer but I was already later than usual and didn't want to be too rushed to get to work.
Tonight I want to do bikram as I missed it on Monday night, I miss the stretch.
Ok yes, went to bikram and gee I sweated it out tonight hehe. Had a different instructor, the class seemed to go VERY quickly!
Tuesday 9 March
Spin x 2 & weights
Feeling heavy after the long weekend and birthday celebrations with the family (yes I turned 26 on Sunday!) but spin was really good to get the legs moving again without the impact of running. I don't have many more classes left at the two gyms I'm teaching at because of my new job so I am going to do some pretty tough classes to finish off, hehe they'll love it! (MAYBE...)
Monday 8 March
8k run
I went out with the intention of going 28k today as I didn't get to do it over the weekend, but that didn't end up happening...had a few issues with my right hip so turned around early and went home. Decided that I'd just start again fresh for the week. Now I know the long runs are the most important but when I had the pain in the hip I had to go back instead of pushing through for another 20 or so k's! A bit worried that I haven't done many LONG runs lately but all will be fine.
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